972 547576250
Precious Legacies

About Precious Legacies
Many years ago I undertook to research my family history. My parents, despite having arrived in American before World War II, were nevertheless of the Holocaust mentality and had kept their earlier years close to their chests, revealing very little about their days growing up in Europe. I had scant information about life in my mother’s Polish shteitel or my father’s Russian village. I longed to know more. But I found that I had waited too long. By the time I undertook to search my geneology almost all of my relatives had passed away and there was no one left to speak to. Online sites were of little help.
After sharing my frustration with others, I realized that this situation occurred much too often. I decided that one’s past must never be lost and I undertook to do something about it by using my communication and writing talents to help people preserve people's memories in an organized and compassionate manner.
Everyone has a story but it is not always easy for someone to tell it. Rekindling old memories can be difficult and many people hesitate to delve into their past and face experiences that have been buried for so long. But these stories must be told. By not providing glimpses into the past, we are depriving our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of their inherent historical make-up significantly comprised of elements of previous generations.
I set up Precious Legacies to help you or your loved ones tell their narrative. The interviews are conducted in a professional and dignified manner and the discourse is written up and prepared for publication in whatever style you select.
Editing is done as often as required until satisfaction is reached. Your involvement is an integral and vital part throughout the process.
“The tale of someone's life begins before they are born.”

Get in touch with me for more information about my previous publications and setting up an appointment.
972 547576250